Service Request Types
The list below shows what types of non-emergency services can be requested online or by dialing 3-1-1. Click on each service type for more details.

- Pothole, subsidence and road shoulder repairs on city-owned streets
- Road surface marking maintenance i.e., pedestrian crossings, parking lanes and traffic control
- Accessibility ramps, curbs and sidewalk repairs
- Drainage issues i.e., catch basins, culverts, ditches and manhole covers (DRAIN only)
For more information visit
- A street light that is out, leaning, fallen down, dangling/unstable or has exposed wires
- A street name or traffic control sign that is missing, damaged, needs replaced or newly hung
- A traffic control signal that is out, flashing, knocked down or the timing is off
- Pedestrian Walk/Don’t Walk signals, School Zone Flashers not working
For more information please visit or
- Report code enforcement issues/violations on properties
- Report unstable or leaning property
For more information visit
- Order a trash or recycling cart
- Repair, replace, report a missed pickup, etc. of a trash or recycling cart
- Report illegal dumping
- Request a large item pickup
For more information visit
- Report an abandoned/junked vehicle
- Report a vehicle blocking your driveway
For more information visit
- Grass service (neutral grounds/parks)
- Tree service (right of ways and on public property)
- Park maintenance/cleanup
- Public tree(s) that are damaging sidewalks
For more information visit
- Lodging a mosquito complaint
- Lodging a rodent complaint (rats)
- Lodging a non-rodent complaint i.e., mice, possums, snakes
For more information visit
- Lodging a taxi complaint(s)
- Lodging a taxi compliment(s)
- Lodging a taxi lost & found item request(s)
For more information visit
- Information about the Health Marketplace
- Obtaining health records (Immunization, Lead and Health)
- Information on the Smoke-Free ordinance
- Smoke-Free ordinance complaint(s)
For more information visit
- Grass service at a playground/recreational park
- Recreational park complaint(s)
- Recreational park maintenance/cleanup
For more information visit
- Lodging an EMS complaint
- Lodging an EMS lost and found request
For more information visit